Jumat, 14 April 2017

My Alfa , my snipper (ask an expert)

Hey, hey good afternoon .. this time I interviewed my boyfriend him name Alfarizi iqbal ..
I know  him from  december last year, he came from Java
he is an Indonesian army, he is an honest discipline is also firmly ..

Paskia Wulan (PW): Since when did you become the army of Indonesia?
Alfarizi Iqbal (AI)  : Since 2015
PW : What motivated you to become an Indonesian army?
AI   : what motivates me because I love this country, I will protect the unity of this country
PW : Wow that's great, as soldiers what skills a must-have?
AI   : skills in shooting, self-defense, undercover, fighting at close range, and more
PW : How long does it take to master it all?
AL  : It depends on each of us, when we used to practice then we're into a well trained people in the field.
PW  : That's right, is there a problem when you practice?
AI    : Yes constraint is always there, but somehow it is the risk taken .. not uncommon because the injured body sharp object but the Indonesian state and nation for the sake of this country .. large country need tough men trained hard workers also maintaining unity in it, it as my devotion to this country.
PW   : wahhh really very inspiring at all.. thankyou vermuch.

thing I can take from the results of my interview is not about how good the skills possessed by a person but how he uses his skills for the good of the people ..
so much and thank you, may be useful ..
bye-bye ^ _ ^

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